Grupa osób pod flaga Unii Europejskiej zachęca do głosowania w wyborach do Parlamnetu Europejskiego
Today, on the eve of the upcoming European Parliament elections, the youth in Żyrardów discussed their future in the context of our country’s membership in the EU. The young participants of this meeting were under 20 years old, which means they were all born after Poland joined the European Union on May 1, 2004. The EU is like their older sister. Thanks to it, the youth feel like part of the European family. Thank You for an amaizing debate with local politicians Beata Rusinowska Grzegorz Obłękowski Krzysztof Skrobisz and our future: Wiktor Lewandowski, Juliusz Bożydar Puchała @Amelia Szczepanik, Patrycja Kacprzak, Mikołaj Bogucki
We vote, 9th of June 2024!!!! Don’t miss your chance, vote too!

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